Join LGBTQ+ Travelers on a Global Adventure

Reach an audience of explorers through unique and customizable solutions.

Our Audience

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* Compared to the average internet user. Audience data from Quantcast, 2024

Travel Newsletters

Pink Ticket is a Comprehensive Queer Travel Newsletter.

Each edition contains travel tips and insights for LGBTQ+ travelers, in-depth travel guides and inspiration for your next trip. Pink Ticket is sent out every other week.

Wander+Lust is a Guide to the Hottest Gay Destinations.

Arousing travel tips and recommendations for dancey days and naughty nights around the globe. Wander+Lust is sent out every other week.

Open Rates 1.8x higher than travel industry benchmarks!

Digital Advertising Opportunities

Email Advertising

Dedicated Email Blast
– 600×600

Sponsored Content
– Custom

Digital Display

a. 970 x 250 (billboard)
b. 300 x 250 (big box)
c. 728 x 90 (leaderboard)

b. 300 x 250 (big box)

Branded Content

Share your story with our audience.

More engaging content results
in higher shareability.

Brands have stories worth telling.
We have the best storytellers!

Influencer Campaigns

Working with travel influencers we create viral assets to increase your reach across platforms and create a strong brand personality.

Travel Giveaway

Your brand is in the spotlight with Pink Ticket Travel readers, and LGBTQ+ audiences across other Pink Triangle Press properties, enter to win an adventure of a lifetime.


Get in touch for information on custom cross-platform campaigns across Pink Triangle Press properties tailored to meet your needs.

Pink Ticket Travel provides industry-leading digital content and targeted newsletters full of in-depth insights and tips for LGBTQ+ travelers. Pink Ticket Travel is published by global queer media organization, Pink Triangle Press.

Pink Triangle Press is a mission-guided organization with no shareholders. Profits earned by the business are reinvested to support its mission: daring together to set love free.